What others are saying about Odd Alewives:
Maine’s Hidden Farm Brewery is Unexpectedly Awesome, Only In Your State.
Of Fish & Fermentation: Maine’s Odd Alewives Farm Brewery, The Feast Podcast.
Check out these New England Breweries for Great Beer, Food, Fun, The Boston Herald.
Best Wineries and Breweries for Agritourism, Verbal Gold Blog.
Morse’s Sauerkraut in a Beer? Not as Odd as it Sounds, Maine Today.
A Love of All Things Odd, Lincoln County News.
Maine Alpaca Farm Transformed into a Craft Brewery, Bangor Daily News.
Odd Alewives, New Waldoboro Farmhouse Brewery Opens, Pen Bay Pilot.
Spotlight on Odd Alewives, The Waldo Theatre.